Riding a fine line between artist and host, chef Morten Kryger Wulff explores the human condition through the lens of his unique gastronomic concept.

    With meticulous preparation, local knowledge, and his mobile kitchen, Morten leads his very personal cooking tours up to 12 on a whirlwind ride through some of the most authentic parts of his beloved Copenhagen, one of the most idyllic cities in Scandinavia.

    Sharing his love for food, the outdoors, and above all else, hosting, Morten has transformed his passion into a vibrant experience that anyone with a bike and an open mind can enjoy.

    With hundreds of tours under his belt, he has found a way to truly “touch” the city, not only often visiting the harbors, meadows, and gardens around town, but also the historical and sociologically important parts that give the guests a true taste of Copenhagen.

    0:00 The Bicycle Chef
    1:35 Wednesday – Cooking for 50
    4:56 Thursday – Hunting and Gathering
    12:04 Friday – Tour for 12
    19:43 The Next Chapter

    Directed by Jeremy Heslup
    DP Oli Watts
    © Valkyr 2023


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