Sorry in advance if this is a really dumb question. But I was noticing a clicking sound on my ride today. Originally thought it was the rear derailleur, so I tried to adjust the barrel. No change.
    When I got home and did a really quick eval of the bike I noticed the chain seems to be clicking as it comes off the chainring.
    Happens in all gears so I don’t think it’s a limit screw issue.


    Thanks in advance.

    Chain clicking off of chainring
    byu/JHendy27 inMTB

    by JHendy27


    1. Salt_Complex_2559 on

      Chain is likely worn and in need of replacement or the rollers on the inside are caked with dirt

    2. How old is the chain and how is the chainring? When a chain “sticks” to a chainring that’s called chain suck (Google that term to read more about it). It usually happens when the chainring needs to be replaced.

      * The bike is old enough that the chainring has worn down. This process can be sped up by poor chain maintenance. Even with good chain maintenance, and timely chain replacements, your cassette and chainring will eventually wear out. However, you get A LOT more miles out of the rest of your drivetrain by properly maintaining your chain and replacing it when it’s worn.
      * If you just replaced your chain then this is the most likely reason. Chains stretch out as they are used which causes them to rub and wear on the cassette and chainring. As those teeth wear down the space between them increases. However, since your old chain has stretch out to match, it still operates fine. A new chain will be shorter and it will “stick” to the chain ring and the cassette.
      * The video quality isn’t crisp, but that chain ring looks old and/or worn. You may be due for a new cassette as well. If that is a new chain, and you keep riding with it on a worn cassette/chainring it will wear out a lot faster. If you bring that chain over to a new chainring/cassette it may immediately start grinding away at those new components.

      TLDR: Chain maintenance and replacement makes everything else last longer (and saves you money in the long run). If you wait too long to replace your chain it is a costly mistake. If you replace a worn chainring/cassette replace your chain because that’s shot as well. Get a chain checker tool and learn how to use it.

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