I like to haul my kids and groceries using a Burley trailer, so I decided to install a hitch on my new Grizl AL 7. Per recommendations on this subreddit, I got a Robert Axle project thru-axle sized for my Grizl (this is the one I got- Ordering, shipping, and installation was a breeze! I've taken 4-5 rides with the trailer attached and so far so good.

    However, I have 2 questions for this community after taking those rides:

    1. The Robert Axle project thru-axle instructions very clearly state that you should remove their thru-axle and replace with the stock axle whenever you are not riding with the trailer attached. This seems like a lawyer-y legal statement, do people here who have Robert Axle thru-axles for trailers actually switch out their axles every time they want to use a trailer?
    2. I've noticed that the secondary retention strap gets super close to the rear brake disc/rotor when installed. Should I be worried about this? Has anyone ever had any issues from doing this?

    Any thoughts on either of these two items is greatly appreciated!

    by Buffabrew

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