First of all, did I just rob somebody?

    I got this fork for only 4€ and according of the marks on this it’s been on a bike for once.
    It may fit a 29er, but would a mullet 90s beater work?
    26 – 29 would be maybe a little rough.. has anybody tried it?

    by dragonslayet999


    1. That’s a second generation Surly 1×1 fork. The first was rim only, this is the second, the third had a redesigned crown.

      It is a suspension corrected 26″ fork, but a 29er wheel will fit as long as the tire is below about 2.1″ IIRC.

      And yeah, that was robbery. Here in the US it’s worth maybe 20x that price.

    2. It’s a surly.

      J/k it is, as said, a 1×1 fork- will fit a narrow 29er with discs, or 26er with rim or disc.

      I dunno about robbery but it’s a decent deal.

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