Someone thought it would be better for cyclists to strap an obnoxiously large balloon on our backs for safety instead of pushing for safer streets and better driver education???

    by Particular-Taro154


    1. Another thing you can do is attach foam pool noodles to your bike to help drivers know the proper safe distance. That will offset the drag reduction caused by this method.

    2. The backpack looks ridiculous, but it’s a lot more attainable than updated infrastructure and an entirely revised driving culture.

    3. lifeistrulyawesome on

      I thought the main objective of this item was to reduce drag and increase performance; the safety cushioning was a happy side effect.

      Also, I don’t partake myself, but I don’t think lycra-wearing cyclists look ridiculous at all.

    4. Late-Mechanic-7523 on

      And I bet the first buyer is some dentist with man tits that cant pedal on climbs and with a belly saying “I pedal 5km per year”.

    5. WhiskeyTigerFoxtrot on

      I feel like the cycling community has a lot of trust fund kids in it creating startups for weird equipment that nobody asked for.

    6. drivingistheproblem on

      Oh the level of dumb here.

      Hi vis, helmets, strobing lights,  hand signals, now an airbag.


      Need nome of that in the Netherlands its turns out there is no substitution for attentiveness

    7. HamsterbackenBLN on

      You have to fill it with helium, else you will weight 10g more, and that may negate the gains from drag reduction /s

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