As far as I’ve seen and know I don’t think anyone has ever put a graphic/decal on a factory production frame or complete bike? I think this would be a really cool addition if just added to one frame or bike from a lineup. I mean I do understand that the BB is a high traffic high stress area and that graphics there will not last as long as the other common places found on a bike but I mean I personally think it would last me a good while on the top half like this. As long as it’s not on the bottom grinds should work out fine. I’d love to see a change like this. Or has it been done before and I just don’t know about it? I just find it kinda odd that I’ve never seen it. It’s such a large plain area that sticks out from both sides.. anyway just wanted to start a conversation. Thoughts ? Cool? Or a dumb idea? Feel free to share your thoughts

    by Fast_Hold5211

    1 Comment

    1. No need it’s poor visibility down there is the likely reasons, add in a larger percentage of riders remove all stickers anyway as well.

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