My oldest replaced tire and tube for my youngest and an hour later he replace the rear tire and tube again for the same problem. What causes this. I can not understand how he when through two tubes and two tires in less than a day, where the install wrong somehow or the defective?

    by Question-Unknown


    1. Going through a bike tire in an hour? What the actual fuck. The only thing I can imagine is them brake skidding constantly, or doing some weird as stuff to it with some motorised vehicle. Otherwise, there’s no way you go through a tire in such a short time.

    2. Watch how your kids ride, and you’ll know. Soon they’ll be going through rims if you don’t set em straight. Unless yall are spoiled rich and doing x games level shit to make money back it’s not worth it. Come to think of it if they like skateboards.

    3. Go for a ride with the kid and see how they’re riding so you can give them feedback. Or ask them? This is nuts for an hour of riding ( or more accurately, an hour of skidding). Are these new tyres or have they been in storage for a while?

    4. Tell the kid that he’s gonna have to do chores when he wants a new tire and the problem will soon disappear.

      (The little shit is skidding non stop, that’s why it’s worn)

    5. Working-Tale-7224 on

      Skidding yes, but still impressive to do that level of damage in such a short space of time.

    6. mechanical-monkey on

      Skids. I used to do this all the time as a kid. Dad used to take me to the tip and grab all the scrap tyres there as he rightfully didn’t want to keep paying for them. I couldn’t quite get through one In 24 hours being that I rode mainly in woods. But I’d do one a week if I really put my mind to it.

    7. Question-Unknown on

      Thank everyone who posted for the help we are new to bikes. Like we bought bike in July. My youngest is 22 and mentally handicap so this is his transportation. He commutes around town. He lives in group home so I did not see him ride it. He could not communicate what happened which is why I posted to try to get an idea of what happened. No I cannot afford another tire set anytime soon. I thought tires might be defective so good to know probably not. I could not understand how you would wear a tire like that, so now I know it’s probably him.

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