Turns out laying in bed for a month really messes up one’s form. Who knew!

    On a more serious note, if anyone has any trips how to get back in the groove after a concussion, I’d be most grateful. The feedback I’m getting from my doctors is that I should keep exercising to a minimum but the truth is cycling is the only thing that keeps me off the 24/7 headache, and that headache is really doing my head in.

    by designorant


    1. Looks like your zones need adjustment, zone five starts at LTHR, IIRC. (Lactate Threshold Heart Rate)

      Zone five is “match burning”. You shouldn’t be able to sustain it for long and you only get a few bursts.

      I’ve repeated the LTHR self test in Friel’s cyclist training Bible several times over the years. It’s usually at 163bpm for me.

    2. YouMayBeEatenByAGrue on

      Either your zones are a mess or your HR meter is just flat wrong. Being in Z5 for an hour and a half is a physiological impossibility

    3. Generally doctors who think exercise is bad for concussion recovery are way behind the times barring recovery from brain bleed or similar. Look up graduated exercise therapy if you are still having symptoms and don’t hesitate to see a physical therapist if you are having any balance or visual symptoms

    4. Your average was 156, which with a max of 186 is really zone 3, and just barely. The issue isn’t so much your max setting, it’s the percentages of max that you’re using the define the zones.

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