Is this worth getting a professional to weld? Seen quite a few people having the rear triangle on the same bike snap but I’m not sure if it’s worth it getting professionally welded or not

    by ReferenceAromatic134


    1. I would just replace the rear triangle, someone can probably weld it and it would probably be good but you take a bigger risk and the possibility of getting someone who does some bad welds.

    2. Often times, if you have to ask you probably know the answer.

      If the rear triangle was known to break, I wouldn’t re-weld already compromised material.

    3. Zealousideal_Bad112 on

      Warranty? That failed through the weld. That’s a defective weld 100%.

      Replace the rear triangle or just that chain stay if you can.

    4. fractal_disarray on

      You can try getting it welded, but it won’t be as strong as before because heat fatigues the material.

    5. Desperate_Jaguar_602 on

      Since that chainstay looks like it’s removable, you could strip, weld and heat treat it realistically if you can’t get a new triangle. You’ll need to find a specialist for this work or learn a lot about metallurgy

    6. I would charge you basically the cost of this new frame to clean, fit, weld and then heat treat the piece. Maybe even more after all my time is accounted for…

      Just get a new rear triangle or whole new frame. Not worth the effort/cost to fix.

    7. As others have stated, get a new one.

      additionally. you shouldn’t be reeling aluminum frames, the heat effected zone will leave the area around the weld brittle. Any true professional will also tell you this 

    8. I would contact the company it seems you only need the drive side chainstay. It looks like it’s a single part attached the the seat stay and bottom bracket. So probably don’t even need full rear triangle

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