Took me 10 days, apparently the whole trip took place during one of Europe's heaviest storms in months.

    The first days were gorgeous, nice and sunny, then everything went downhill – almost nonstop rain.

    I had headwinds of up to approximately 65 km/h on the last 2-3 days, especially in the mountains, I'm glad my tent wasn't send flying. I had to ride downhill using the biggest gears I had.
    A snowstorm started while I was crossing the Alps a second time on the way home; I was the only person on the streets and could barely see anything. Snowplow drivers I was passing were filming me on their phones.

    Did I regret the trip? Absolutely not!

    by AnonymousAnonymGuy


    1. I have planned a trip with a similar route as you over the Brenner Pass in around two weeks and now I am a tad bit scared about what’s waiting for me. If it get’s bad I hope to get some similarly epic pictures though.

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