1. ahh bruce lee and charlie chang. what a pair of prats.. And another case of foreigners not having much of a clue about uk law. They do love the " i will call the poreece " ..

  2. I thought unipart had gone bust a few years ago, lots of people got made redundant. I can't understand how a large company goes bust, probably owing many thousands but springs up agan shortly after.

  3. the blue double decca is my favorite bus.i used to get parts for my mini metro from Uni part a long time ago – i thought it was owned by french people back then .The Chinese must run it now–glad the nice person was their the orange coat gave me the impression he might break my spectacles if he was let out on his own

  4. I love it when PA tells them matter-of-fact that he's going to be taking the drone over as though they'll be excited and he's doing them a favour 🤣

  5. PA you are too funny, your expression there calling the police right away, CRACK ME UP, I spit out my orange drink, I love your seriousness with these idiots, and truly love when you say are you excited? Let's do a video, wow PA you are awesome to watch, keep asking them if you can take a tour inside, lol GOD BLESS YOU SIR, watching from. The great state of ILLINOIS

  6. The way those two were shouting at you I thought it was a prisoner of war camp not a company dealing with the public. First Impression at gate doesn’t go down well like they are trying to scare you off.

  7. Why does every place in your country or most places hire people that don't even know how to speak English or communicate how on earth are they supposed to enforce security when they have no clue about the language that you speak

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