Halssila MTB is a race of the cycling CUP organized by JYPS, Jyväskylän pyöräilyseura. The route is about 2,2 km long and there are some uphills and downhills. I ride in M40 series, where the route will be ridden 10 times. I have been a bit ill in recent weeks but have felt ok already several days. Despite of that, I couldn’t ride on my own level and I was really slow.

    Screenshot photo taken by Matti Purojärvi

    The route .gpx -file can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ev-wAxrHpzNLGjBW0Gs3bjbM8WCZaxv1/view?usp=sharing

    00:00:00 Video description
    00:01:45 Race, Lap 1 (full route)
    00:07:50 Lap 2 – 10 highlights
    00:09:28 Finishing and the feelings right after the ride
    00:09:57 Summary


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