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    #filming #cops #police #policeconstable #copper #policeofficer #policeconstable #constable #viral #viralvideo #trendingvideo #trending #blackburn #lancashire #audit #auditing #uk #america #canada #texas #australia #worldwide


    1. THE ISSUE – "Protestant" nation being subdued.

      THE SYMPTOMS – "Blue line gang" Praetorian left-leaning "police force", "Islamization", "far-left progressive liberal" ideology and "Weaponized Immigration".

      THE ROOT CAUSE – Roman Catholic Jesuit freemasonic "Counter-Reformation" agenda, commonly known as the "New World Order"!

      "Jesuit freemasons" run all sides of "government" as part of their ongoing several centuries old "Counter-Reformation" against "Protestant" UK!

      If you study England's history from when the nation separated from the Catholic church during Henry VIII reign and became a "protest-ant" nation you'll be able to trace the secret "society of Jesus"(better known as the "Jesuit" order) and its attempts to regain it's despotic grip over England and all other "Protestant" and alternative resistant Countries(that it was set up to purposely achieve that goal) up to the present day, that so many throughout history have sternly warned about. Luther, Tyndall, Huss, Cromwell and many more have fought in one way or another against the Jesuit insurgency that specializes in "infiltration" using such methods as "weaponised immigration" and placing so-called "Jews" in high places to give themselves "plausible deniability" hence the "Its the Jews" narrative, a convenient "patsy". The "Roman Empire" never really ended, it morphed into the "Roman Catholic Empire" and its aim today is to re-establish itself in its most revised form as the "Universal" sole despotic totalitarian power over the entire world once it as dealt with those pesky "protest-ant" nations that would oppose it and the means justify the ends and if that means using other religions, ethnic minorities, to get there they will, make no mistake. Why does it always seem that their "Praetorian, Blue Line gang standing army" are against England's own ? Jesuit design!

      "Islam" is today a nostalgic religion that ran its conquering "golden era" course between 622AD and 922AD(as outlined in the book of Revelation Ch 9) and is now a useful proxy for the Jesuit led Roman Catholic Church to punish and subdue "Protestant" Countries. Once nostalgic Islam has served its prescribed purpose for the "Jesuit" freemasons(under the guise of "Multiculturalism") it too shall be subdued by the "Whore of Babylon", "Antichrist" Roman Catholic Harlot to institute their Jesuit Roman Catholic "New World Order" despotic, universal, totalitarianism! That explains the self evident "2 Tier" policing.

      Matthew 12:26 "HOW CAN SATAN CAST OUT SATAN"?

      Joe Biden born November 20, 1942 was educated at "Archmere Academy" a private Roman Catholic college. The Diocese of Wilmington is a Latin Church ecclesiastical territory – or diocese, of the Catholic Church in the eastern United States. The diocese comprises the entire state of Delaware and the Eastern Shore Region of Maryland.

      Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in 1964, he enrolled at Fordham University.

      Fordham University (/ˈfɔːrdəm/) is a private Jesuit research university in New York City., Fordham is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit university in the northeastern United States and the third-oldest university in New York State.

      “It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe.” — Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.)

      “The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses.”–Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821

      "See, sir, from this chamber I govern not only to Paris, but to China, not only to China, but to all the world, without any one to know how I do it."

      Michaelangelo Tamburini

      14th Jesuit General, 1706-1739

      If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Superior General of the Jesuit Order] are one and the same person.

      — James Parton

      Despair not for REV 18 describes in great detail the Roman Catholic "beast" system's inevitable destruction along with all other religions and "isms" at Christ's return and what a good riddance for the world that will be!

    2. isn't it strange if you go to a church and start filming the vicar might come out engage you in conversation and probably point out some history and features of note
      so what are they trying to hide ????

    3. This place needs checking out by the authorities. The owner(s) behaving very nervously. Clearly hiding something. Great reporting 👍👍👍

    4. Repost! I'm sure I've seen it before. But it definitely looks like something dodgy is going on? Halal meat factory, they probably think that you are a protester coz Halal is a cruel and outdated way of slaughtering animals and they know it? Personally, i think that it should be banned, i don't particularly want to eat Halal, but it's everywhere now.

    5. what a total ignorant cu nt auditinglancashire is – this is not funny and you make yourself look like a pr1ck- get a life you auditing britian wannabe

    6. They all came out of what should've been a almost clinically clean to a legal standard but after the tea break came out with ppe on probably still told a chicken its goi45 to get some virgin ch1£=5 when they went back to work You get the rest

    7. You are very ignorant of halal meat its exactly slaughtered the same way as kosher meat .You need to read and also study world war 2 many muslims buried in Dunkirk fighting the germans for their colonisers the British .

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