I fixed the fork, get some new tires, and cleaned the drive train. It almost runs like its brand new! (That was a bit of a lie, the front chain ring derailer has some problems that can be fixed by adjusting the limiter screws). Any other ideas or suggestions on what I should do with it?

    by Kloyton


    1. fartsmellingass on

      Looks pretty rad besides the rusty fork. Keep an eye out for a used fork for sale? Check tires for cracking, tape your wheels and convert to tubeless, clean and lube the chain or replace it first,  check brake pads.  New pedals, maybe new seat? Throw a bottle cage on it and ride. 

      Stick to maintenance and ride! 

    2. I would do pedals, dropper post. But keep them when you move on to a better bike. If you really wanna keep this long then you can also do a 1x conversion and better fork.

      Also if those brakes don’t perform super well, you can try my deep degrease trick:
      Buy some acetone or wax&grease remover. Not brake cleaner, not gasoline, not alcohol, not turpentine. Only acetone or wax&grease.

      Then remove the pads. Get a sharp pick and scribe on each pad where it goes (FL, FR, RL, RR) so you can assemble them the same.

      Wash them with soap if they’re very dirty, dry off an put them in a small jar. Pour acetone on them so they’re fully submerged. Close and leave sitting like this for 24 hours or longer. Occassionally shake. This will pull out any traces of grease and contamination from the pads.

      Meanwhile, unbolt the rotors, and scrub them with an old toothbrush and acetone. Make sure you get into all holes.

      After the brakes are done, you can roughen them up a little bit with some clean sandpaper. And put on as they were according to markings.

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