This happened about a week ago, and there has been no update. Even the framing of the lede is disconcerting, and implied it was cyclist fault instead of cyclist actually getting run-over by a vehicle.

    I love r/bikecommuting, and enjoy the banter and sharing tips. But in a typical America where I am (Hampton Roads), the "bike commuters" I see are folks that have no other options to get around. They don't have fancy bikes, fancy clothes, or fancy gear. Probably don't know what a pannier is. They ride on the sidewalks and/or salmoning. And almost always its a person of color. …and when killed, most likely by a driver, promptly forgotten.

    Just lamenting…

    by SemaphoreKilo


    1. Yes, sad. I heard about this from Bike Norfolk. These happen far too often. Second (or third) one this year in VB.

    2. As a bike commuter who lives in Norfolk. I feel your pain. This area really needs to update their infrastructure.

    3. calvinistgrindcore on

      Hampton Stroads has maybe the most cycling-hostile infrastructure I’ve ever seen. Even the classically cars-only cities like ATL, LA, and Houston are more bikeable.

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