I just finished disassembling the bike. Client wants me to do a full bike overhaul and apply high quality bike skin.

    Looking at the overall condition of this unit, the job should be relatively easy. But it will take me a few more days to finish since I’m also video documenting the process.

    I will upload the full video, soon!


    by RideYOGIYA


    1. Oh man that looks fun. I swear I’ve almost enjoyed assembling some of my bikes more than actually riding them. 😂

      Just curious, what are you planning to do for the bike skin? I’ve been considering doing one for my new frame.

    2. on_like_d0nkeykng on

      Skin? Where are you based? Is this something like protection or will it be a vinyl wrap/ new colour thing? Looking forward to your vid 😎

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