I got my first puncture this week, and used a kit purchased on Amazon to repair it. Well, this was the third attempt. It's on and seems to be holding (for now) but the plastic backing didn't pull off easily at all and simply tore, and it wanted to pull up the oranges edges with it. Not sure if it's user error but other people complained about the same issue looking at the reviews. This was a kit from the brand Bohoray. I'm looking for brands (that I can get in the UK) online that are reliable and semi-easy for a beginner like me. I don't have a local bike shop (40 min drive to the nearest) so ideally one I can order online.

    by Popocorno95


    1. Don’t repair a tube, replace it.

      Tube repairs are last ditch efforts to get you home when you are stranded somewhere. Once you’re home your replace said tube.

    2. Looking at the state of that tube – you just need to replace it at this stage.

      Without having seen it before it’s hard to advise, but I’ve never found patch kits good for long term repair.

    3. Used a Rema once, they were so much better than all the previous kits I’d ever used that tried I’ve stuck with them since.

      Possible something is better but rema are great.

    4. Scuttling-Claws on

      Get a Rema tip Top patch kit. Sand thoroughly, then apply the vulcanizing liquid and let it sit for longer then you think. Then apply the patch, hold it down for a second, to make sure it’s bonded. I like to install them into a tire pretty quick and use air pressure to keep the tube and patch together.

      I can patch a tube dozens of times without issue.

    5. ActuallyAHamster on

      You can leave the thin clear plastic on the back of the patch, it doesn’t do much except shred to tinier bits on its own while you ride. You apply cornstarch or baby powder to the excess glue to ensure it doesn’t stick to the tire, but I’ve not had had that happen especially given all the prep work you need to get a patch to stick to begin with. Also, seconding everyone else here recommending Rema Tip Top!

    6. Single_Restaurant_10 on

      I like having a spare tube, patch the tube with the leak & roll it up for next time. This gives the patch lots of time to cure. Means I can patch the tube that night at my leisure…..

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