While cycling, I’ve been held up by all manner of things, but today was the first time I was stopped in my tracks by a bison. He eventually wandered over to the grass and we all went about our business. It was a beautiful day for a ride in Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

    by Professional-Eye8981


    1. MasteringTheFlames on

      Several years ago, I loaded a bunch of camping gear onto [my bicycle](https://np.reddit.com/r/bicycletouring/s/eKwWSA8PAk) and spent the better part of the next seven months riding 5,300 miles (8,500 km) around the western US solo. A few weeks after leaving my home in Wisconsin, I made it to Badlands National Park in South Dakota. There’s one road through the park. Starting at the east end, pavement will take you halfway into the park, where the main road then turns north towards the town of Wall (home of the famous Wall Drug). Or you keep going west on gravel through the much more sparse half of the park. I of course chose the latter. No more than a thousand feet past the end of the pavement, I encountered a pair of bison. They weren’t quite on the road, but just off to my left. They were much too close for comfort, given I didn’t have the protection of a car’s metal box. I made it past them without incident, but it was definitely a bit unnerving!

      Anyways, thanks for bringing up some fun memories. Cycling across western Minnesota and eastern South Dakota was a hell of a grind, but South Dakota holds a special place in my heart due to the second act. I’m not as familiar with North Dakota, but it looks similarly beautiful in a torturous kind of way!

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