137miles, 2 nights

    4 in the crew stoked on bike packing
    3 made it to the finish
    2 ate day old mac n cheese from a ziplock for breakfast
    1 stuck his hand in poop thinking it was clothing in low light

    10/10 would do again

    also bungee cords are pretty bad for strapping things down, but solid for fixing a rack when a screw goes missing

    by RSbro


    1. How’d your rigid frame friend do? I’ve been wanting to do this route on a beefy gravel bike for some time!

    2. Pics are gorgeous, and you rode a pretty distance!

      Love the dry bags setup on the rear rack of the blue/green hardtail.

      Currently trying to do the same on my bike! Which models did you use?

      How did you manage nights? (I know that some places of germany are quite strict with bivouac, but don’t remember which lands)

    3. ChocolateDiligent on

      Cool to see my home state on this thread! Hope you enjoyed your stay here. Where were you traveling from?

    4. Lucky_Signature5989 on

      I did that same look a few years ago and it kicked my ass, it was about 95 degrees each day and day 2 ran out of water haha. But it was all around a blast. Just more climbing than I was expecting

    5. Single_Restaurant_10 on

      Always travel with spare rack/spd/ water bottle bolts (shcs screws) & make sure you loctite then in on original install. Ask me how I know……

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