There’s a lot of expectation and build up when it comes to training for a new personal best, but what happens if the pay off isn’t what you expected? Sarah, Rick and Andy chat through when they’ve been disappointed by a personal best time.

    The Running Channel Podcast tackles one big topic each episode, amongst helpful tips and light-hearted chat on the latest news in the running world. Hosted by Sarah Hartley (amateur runner) and Andy Baddeley (former pro runner) alongside Rick Kelsey (recovering runner), the TRC Podcast is friendly, jargon-free, and the perfect accompaniment to your runs.

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    1. At the 3.5k mark during what ended up being my 5k PB, there was a table announcing people as they went by. I was in a pack, so they just said “look at these runners, having so much fun!” I yelled back “no, we’re really not!” The pack pretty much all cracked up.

    2. Andy, I too tend to get re-acquainted with my last meal after a hard effort. It’s a savage way to end a race but it’s sometimes part of the price of a PB.

    3. You know, I enjoy the banter, I appreciate the science, but when you got philosophical with this one, it was fascinating. Especially to hear about Andy's thought processes.

      I have pbs at 10km (0:56) and half-marathon (2:07) set off relatively little training about three decades ago. Swapped sports to one where weather has such a huge influence that pbs are only partly within one's control. Picking up running again is a bit of a mindset change again, hopefully the years in between will have taught me to be more relaxed about pb-ing! (I still remember the stick I got from my flatmates when my second half-marathon was slower that my first. Haven't run one since but to be fair that's unrelated…) I better had, because thirty years and serious illness later, it's unrealistic to think I'll ever get back to those times.

      Anyway, looking forward to the Running Channel handing me a first drink after a race, sometime… 🙂

    4. Did a PB yesterday (23:58) on a fairly difficult parkrun course, and felt like death for the rest of the day because I hadn't finished recovering from a bout of gastro. I'd also slacked off on training for 2 weeks for a holiday and because of a cold. I still need to learn how to ease myself back into training properly!

    5. My PB days are done I fear outside of some weird races i do like a half marathon up a mountain. I guess if/when I do a marathon itll be a PB tho. I just try and keep to within 1% of my time from last year at any given race and use that as my motivation.

    6. I’m not sure if this angers me or frustrates me. I’ve been trying to break a six hour marathon for the last five marathons. I’ve been making small improvements and slowly lowering my time. Even if I was five seconds under my PB , I would be so ecstatic. I just think tempering expectations. However, today in Sydney, all the hard work paid off and I ran a PB finally breaking 6 hr. 5:41:06 (previous 6:08:41). Difference of 27 min 35 sec.

    7. In the last week I actually set two new PBs, my 5 km PB at 26:36 and I ran my first ever marathon and well naturally that was my PB at 4:52:30. The second one was a real struggle, but both have room for further improvement I believe. I have really gotten a lot of inspiration from this channel, especially Sarah's journey! Thank you all

    8. Ran a parkrun PB on the Saturday just gone 23:45 finally after years of trying to break 25 now much easier to run under 25. PB season will finish soon once the temperature rises.

    9. Smashed my first official HM last week finishing at a time of 2:30:56 where in my non official record is around 2:55 or 2:56 (it was around April this year and couldn't remember exact time). My aim for that race is to finish in 2:45 but got more than I asked for. Funny enough, after I finish the race, I was disappointed that I missed by 57seconds to be sub 2:30. I was complaining why didnt I push just that little more even though I PBed in 10k, 15k, 10M, 20k and HM that day 😂😂

    10. I broke my 5km PB this year (after 6 yrs) but it took a couple of minutes to get the realisation. I'd wanted sub-21 and as I approached the line, the time was on the cusp (I forgot about chip timing in the moment).
      When I crossed the line initially, I was a bit gutted (and completely out-of-breath) about missing 21mins, and it took a couple of minutes for me to actually look at my watch and realise I'd run 20.59!

    11. I am not a PBs fun. I am not focusing on PBs, rather on enjoying the running and how it makes me feel. Enjoying it makes me consistent and that brings improvements on its own. Pushing so hard that I do not enjoy it, makes me feel sick and look forward to the end of session, all this is pushing me away from consistency.

    12. ‘Take the chance’ – Today I completed the TCS Sydney Marathon listening to episode after episode of the podcast en route. This one hit around the 32km mark and I’ve never needed to hear these words more. Thanks a bunch from this first time marathon runner!

    13. At the age of 59, every race is a PB 😅
      Seriouly though, if you are managing to maintain or run close to times that you ran 5 yrs ago, that is a great age graded PB. That is the pep talk I always give myself.

    14. Just set a PB in the 50k trail race, this was my 3rd time at this event and took 53 minutes off last year’s time. 6:05 down to 5:12. And in true Canadian fashion the race started with a bear warning and at least one person saw him out there.

    15. What you guys are pointing out is that Runners don't train themselves enough mentally. All the issues you bring up are mental issues. We spend time on training physically, nutrition, strength, but no conscious focus on what impacts our running as much as anything….the mental side.

    16. Commenting whilst watching… I'm finding that focussing on a Seasons Best is a good way to stay focussed and to compete with yourself. That way you aren't dissapoiinted that you can't hit your older PBs from when you were in peak condition.

    17. I was actually listening to this while running a 10k pb! Was going for a sub 50 and got 49:33 which im very happy with, 10k is my least favourite distance but wanted to knock the sub 50 out the way!
      Rick's advice at the 5k mark was very useful, I ran slightly faster and finished slightly faster 💪 cheers! 😂

    18. Crocs and adults should not mix, I'd far rather sock-shoe, sock-shoe!😂 At home, sock, sock, shoe, shoe; outdoors sock-shoe, sock-shoe to keep feet, socks and insides of shoes/boots dry and clean. No chance of messing up and dabbing something clean into wet grass, mud, or anything else come to think of it.

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