I have the feeling there's some up and down movement in the fork. Could this gap be the cause? I can't tighten thebcap anymore and don't have any spacers that would close the gap. Should I shorten the part or is there a way around it?


    by dzhoshua_2


    1. Ticonderoga_Dixon on

      I’d get a spacer , it sounds like you can’t preload your fork properly hence the play.

    2. Is the steerer tube protruding above the stem, causing the stem cap to not sit flush? If so your steerer tube is too long, and there is no preload on the bearings, allowing for up and down movement of the fork which is bad.

      Try to get a 5mm spacer in between the stem cap and stem, or you can get the steerer tube shortened by around 5mm, then you won’t have to use a spacer.

    3. Grab a space from shop to close the gap. Top cap is bottoming out and not tensioning because it’s just pressing on the steerer tube

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