1. haha i could have just saved myself 30 mins. i just finished a route recce of this course (just the first climb) in preparation for tomorrow's morning race (did Pico de Los Reales first)

      I suspect tomorrow that there will be some all out attacks between the two hills which means that we can pretty much guarantee a few burn outs on the final hill – reckon around 29 to 30km.

      btw the Diablo challenge is on until 10th October now – so a few extra weeks

    2. Those who are on our GRC Discord heard our plan before this race. No one gets dropped before the final dark red hill. So we stayed together for the first 50 minutes of the ride. Shared draft most of it, and kept about 3.2 w/kg pace on the first hill for 25 minutes. Once the final hill started Clive, Chad, and Chris took off. Alex, Ric, and I stayed together. On that one the pace was about 3.1 w/kg for 40 minutes. I had a mechanical in the end, almost dropped my chain, my gears didn't want to shift and it was scary, only 30 seconds from the top of the hill and I was about to drop. pheww…somehow managed to shift to my low gears and managed to get in just a few seconds behind Alex and Ric. before the race my plan was get a sub 1hr 40 min time, got in at 1:35:24. It was a good team effort.

    3. Ooh just got here, will settle in nicely and enjoy this. I watched a little of it live, gruelling! The guys did really well. It was great to see 4 GRC kits riders together. The kits looked great.

    4. Colin, yesterday marked 1 year on Rouvy for me, an enjoyable journey meeting and knowing new people plus building fitness by racing against a lot of riders!!! Keep going

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