1. I will brag a bit. I’m British and Polish and I often go to see my family in Poland. It’s a smaller town and guess what the Mayor did! He made buses free for the people living in the town! 😯 Isn’t that great! He said that if you pay your taxes then you’re entitled to have free amenities! I wish we had something similar like that in the UK!

    2. Walkable cities are amazing
      Yet there are still some people (cough cough reform voter's) who think theyre some government conspiracy to force people into "15 minute cities"
      (What does that even mean, are they scared of buses?)

    3. I've lived in the UK all my life, and will point out that public transit outside of London isn't as frequent or reliable as inside. My local buses are rather erratic and infrequent, to the extent I can reach my destination quicker on foot if I just miss one. 😇

      That said; I also have a quite long walking range (Closer to German than British) and a lot of experience of walking along unpathed roads without sidewalks, so getting around on foot in countries like the U.S. is less troublesome for me than it is for most people.

      My case proves that it is possible for people to go the extra mile to get around without a car or functional public transit (I'm looking at You, OCTA!) so if more people in the UK and US did the same thing I do life in areas where things are more spread out becomes less of a problem. 😇

      After all: None of the armies of the 18th centuries had buses or trains to travel on, and they still managed to cross entire continents… 👍

    4. Hey man, love your videos and your enthusiasm. I'm off to the US for a week, first time in the US, and it'll be Miami Florida; before heading to Mexico then further south into Latin America.

      Any tips for a British first timer in the US?

    5. The ncn routes are absolute bull shit it's just sign posts and some take you down stupid routes you should go to the Netherlands for example where it's done properly

    6. Think because america is a new country compared to the uk is a reason too the uk didn't change much alot of the old layout remained just been modernised

    7. Thanks for appreciating us bro. 👊 it’s really nice to see what we have that we take for granted (often complaining about😊) is celebrated by visitors/new residents. America is so vast, but a powerhouse of innovation, I’m so surprised by how things aren’t available, but maybe it is a scale thing. 🤔 I do think big business or big pharma and your food industries do not want Americans healthy……insane I know, but the evidence is stacking up. Sick and compliant is a goal for those extreme profiteers.

    8. The cycle routes in Greater London are a joke (im saying this as a cyclist) they cut down entire lanes in my area so traffic is now shit, for blocked off cycle routes I've never seen anyone use. Not because there's no cyclists but because the routes have either curbs or barriers they don't get swept so there full of shit meaning no one's ridding in them otherwise you'd spend more time changing inner tubes and never make it anywhere

    9. Sir my boyfriend lives in the country and would take hours to walk the dangerous rural roads to get to the shops. It’s okay though because we have a train station that takes six minutes.

    10. Yes, all very well living in London. Try rurally, everythings miles away. Like 1hr to my local hospital. Bus are every 2hrs, and stop at 6pm. And, no theres talk of charging price per mile for private vehicles. It will financially ruin country living people.

    11. I will say, sadly the rest of the UK isnt always like this, and it seems to becoming less and less walkable!
      Finding somewhere to live outside of London (and a handful of other cities) that dosent suck for public transport and cycling options is tricky 😅

      That being said, the US is still generally much much worse 😢

    12. Yes but America is not the uk. Yes they are similar but they have different cultures and just because it works in one doesn't mean it will work in the other, it might MIGHT but likely wont

    13. I heard the car companies lobbied hard in America to make sure new towns were built in such a way that people would require a car to live there.

    14. I live in London, the transport is convenient, but walking is also so convenient that i adopted the practice of walking anywhere i need to go within a 45 min walking distance.
      Its also super easy to just get up and go for a pleasant walk for peace and health. I live within 5 mins of two major parks and i am practically right on the river which is also a fantastic walk. We got joggers, walkers, people with their dogs. Its great. Im v thankful for it

    15. Trust me as a Brit, our public transport is good but it is nowhere near elite. Having used trains, buses and metros in Japan and particularly China which had large public bike lanes (basically a second road) that changed my life and I struggle to wait 15-20mins for a bus to go gym or pay crazy money for trips back in the UK

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