Dorothea Binz was born on the 16th of March 1920 in a small town of Templin, then part of the Weimar Republic which was the name given to the government of Germany from 1918 to 1933. Dorothea, the second daughter of a forest worker, attended elementary and high school and she was 12 years old when Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party came into power in January 1933. In August 1939, when Dorothea Binz was only 19 years old, allegedly in order to avoid being forced to work in a factory, she applied for a position as kitchen manager in the Ravensbrück concentration camp, which was located only around 30 km from her hometown. However, since this position had already been taken, she was hired as a guard. Ravensbrück, opened in May 1939, was the only major women’s camp established by the Nazis. In November Dorothea Binz was already guarding ten female prisoners who were sawing and driving wood. Until May 1940, she also supervised prisoners carrying coke, unloading bricks, driving rubble, unloading straw sacks, cleaning the floor, working in construction management, gardening and personnel development. In August or September 1940, she was promoted to deputy head of the cell block. In this so called “bunker” the prisoners who violated the camp regulations were punished and often tortured to death. Binz together with her superior Maria Mandl, were responsible for carrying out the caning there. One Ravensbrück survivor recalled how Dorothea Binz had personally whipped her in this bunker and made her eat mud-soaked bread like a dog.

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    1. Well, the female Nazi guards were much worse compared to the male Nazi guards in the concentration camps. Thx World History for another great documentary. Very high quality!👍

    2. Don’t believe this ? Believe it, it really happened; and history looks like it may be repeating itself again with what’s coming into power🙌🙏👑💔🇺🇸! I hope not, I hope not 💔🙏!

    3. My grandma's sister Ilse Hirsch-de-Beer was transferred from Auschwitz to Ravensbruek and arrived there on the 16/09/43. Her prisoner no. was 23138 She was classified as political prisoner–Jewess. She perish there on 20/07/44, she could have encountered both of them before she died.

    4. I can’t believe people like this even existed. What goes through their minds to permit them to commit such crimes is disgusting beyond comprehension. I’ve heard of this woman before and I hadn’t heard of her murdering inmates with a pickaxe. That is arguably one of the most revolting and stomach churning things I’ve ever heard of concerning the Holocaust. Let us pray that such things never happen again. To forget the sufferings of the many innocent men, women, and children would be akin to killing them a second time.

    5. No doubt Hitler was a madman with crazy ideas but before Poland he did a lot of good for Germany. He gave the world the VW beetle. It's only later he showed his true colours.

    6. The pathology of her mental illness was prevalent in the whole idea of Nazism. The cult of the personality has a lot to do with the mass hysteria of Germany in the 1930’s that brought Hitler to power. By scapegoating the Jewish people he tapped into the latent antisemitism that is not peculiarly German but is a global phenomenon because of the perception of avarice and genetic inferiority purported by so called academic thinking among the White Anglo Saxons who felt Judaism was a malign influence on European culture despite the contribution the Jewish peoples had made in all walks of life materially and financial as well as intellectual. However the pogroms of Stalin and other European leaders paled into insignificance considering Heydrich’s idea of a “Final Solution”. The secret meetings indicate the clandestine activity that took place by perpetrators fully knowing their actions were criminal and insane. The hanging of participants who were among some of the worst examples provide valuable lessons about the intolerance of intolerance and is the benchmark for the International Court of Human Rights who rightfully condemn the actions of transgressors and actively campaigns for retribution for the many innocent victims who suffer the indignities of persecution and genocide.

    7. She was only evil I wouldn't think them to be all evil. My grandfather was a German medic and the softest hearted man who would give you the shirt off his back. No little lady I would not think your all evil only you are.

    8. Before her execution at Hamelin, she shared a cell with Maria Mendl who oversaw Ravensbruk. As her execution approached, Binz got all religious, concerned for her soul after death and begging forgiveness. At times crying all night. Facing the ultimate justice.

    9. Do you know their is a man at this moment in PRISON for refusing to address a child as he she or they. Subsequently, being band from the school ?!!!!!
      His name is Enoch Burke in Ireland !

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