1. No-Elderberry949 on

      It’s not risky, it’s flat out stupid. It’s not a matter of “if” you’re going to damage your brakes, but “when”.

      I personally stopped using these bar-mounted bags alltogether because they mess with the hoses, rub against the frame in the worst way possible, and as a result also drastically affect handling. If I do have to mount something to my handlebars, I’m mounting it to my aero bars.

    2. Those parts of the brakes?

      Yea, that’s bad. It’s putting loads of pressure on the hose while static, so imagine what that will be amplified to while riding!

      Have a look at the Restrap Bumper bar to see if that will give you the support your bag needs.

    3. Not good. I’ve seen some hosed kink and leak or more rare crack the lever at the compression fitting by bouncing against the compression nut. And brake failure is bad news anytime.

      Does the bag not have an anti rotation strap for around the stem?

      If not buy a cheaper handlebar mounted accessory adapter and use that to brace the back away from the brakes. The kind mounted near the stem for lights/computer.

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