Borderline brand new IRO mark V wirh origin 8 wheelset and iro cranks. Weighs nothing and rides like a dream. snagged it for 250 usd, not the biggest fan of the green but that level of quality for that price cant be beat.

    by unwisemoocow


    1. I see an IRO, I up vote.

      Wheelset is kind of not great, but GOOD score! That frameset is one of the unsung heroes of now older steel frames. Made by Maxway (excellent finishing, especially for the price when new), clearance for 30+ tires, excellent geometry. They do a lot well. People swoon over heavy ass bianchi Pistas, when these were better in every way in my opinion. These were arguably the pound for pound champ. I have had dozens of bikes pass through my hands and I still can’t let go of my IRO.

      Very nice pick up though! How do you like it so far?

    2. Damn this thing is straight outta 2010, I love it. Always wanted an IRO but could never find one in my size!

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