7 grinds in 4 clips. I only managed to get 25min of riding time before my knee sent me back home.

    Sometimes when pedalling I would get sharp pain in my left knee, just below the knee cap, slightly to the outside(left). It happened for the first time out of nowhere when I pedalled to the spot, swelled up a bit when I got home and cleared the day after. Dull ache persisted for a couple of weeks and swelling comes and go from time to time. I am getting a bit worried, anyone experienced anything similar?

    Last ride before turning 31 on monday
    byu/lskesm inbmx

    by lskesm


    1. Half-Dead-Moron on

      About that knee pain, do you just much exercise outside of this? Running, gym, anything? Have you increased intensity recently, or have you gotten back into it after a long break? Because I had something similar when I started getting back into running a couple of years ago, and it was literally just a weakness of muscles or tendons or something in the leg and around the knee. Just stretching, doing exercises, and gradually increasing my running took care of it.

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