I’m overwhelmed by the amount of chain lubes there are. I just got finished thoroughly deep cleaning my drivetrain and need a good affordable lube. If this stuff is nasty, I’m all ears!

    by Imnothere1980


    1. Should be fine, I’ve tried so many. I always go back to Boeshield t9, lasts the longest for me and keeps things clean if you don’t over use it.

    2. The drip version of this product is sublime. It’s … perfect.

      This spray version would be harder to apply evenly and make a big mess. The drip version glides across the chain with just the right viscosity to lubricate each link in a few seconds of turning the crank, without spilling a drop. And then it lasts for 300-500 miles.

    3. If you want something cheap, just get some Triflo from a hardware store. It works about as well as anything else.

    4. it’s probably fine. bicycle chains are not exposed to such stresses and conditions that they require sophisticated lubricants. it’s less about what you use and more about how you use it.

    5. The best solution to being overwhelmed is to narrow it down to what’s available locally first. Most lubes are acceptable granted they are applied regularly.

      Will you ever ride in the rain or are you a fair weather cyclist?

    6. Among the best chain lubes on the market. It’s a penetrating oil and that’s what you need for a chain. Lay newspaper under the chain, protect the rim and spokes, pedal backwards and spray the chain by sections. Then squeeze the chain with a cloth, pedal backwards again to wipe the oil from the sides of the links. No messy messy!

    7. Honestly, aside from wet Vs dry, bike lubes are only marginally different for most people’s use cases. I’d get a chain degreaser too, WD40 have one if it’s convenient. The main thing is that you’re actually looking after your drivetrain.

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