1. I have a similar bike (a trek from the 90’s) that I love. Haven’t bike packed with it yet but plan to. I don’t see why not

    2. Most definitely! I did a 1400km trip on my 1991 slightly modernised Trek Multi Track this summer, mostly on gravel. Cantis are great. Throw in a rack and some panniers and you’re ready to go.

      That bike will generally take anything you throw at it, though if you’re getting anywhere near singletrack territory i’d definitely recommend wider handlebars and beefier tyres (im running 40s with fenders, could probably comfortably fit 45s without).

      Do check out r/xbiking for guidance and inspiration if you’re planning to tinker with it, and have fun rides ✨

    3. Single_Restaurant_10 on

      Its a 30 year old bike with all the benefits & limitations that brings. Just dont overcapitalize ur investment. Grab a topeak rack & ortlieb panniers & some decent tyres & give it a go. Its just like a 30 year old car, romantic, cheap & fine for a road trip but just not as quick, comfortable, reliable as a new car/adventure bike. Wont stop or handle like a modern bike either…….

    4. I’ve toured on new disc brake bikes and an old cantilever Cannondale touring bike. Both work fine. What you spend on panniers can be used on any bike.

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