I’m currently on a westbound trip across the country with a goal of finishing in LA. I’m following TransAmerica for now and will reach Pueblo, CO around Oct 1st. I’ve been planning on picking up the Western Express after that. However, it sounds like October in the Rockies is iffy weather-wise. ACA says the route can be ridden from mid May through October, is that accurate most years? I’m mostly worried about the passes in Colorado/Utah as I may cut south at Cedar City.

    Any other recommendations for routes west would be appreciated. I have considered linking up with the Route 66 route but have not read great things about that on here. Thank you in advance!

    by danieldigginit


    1. IMO you can make it through the Rockies BUT it will be cold in the morning, get darker quicker at night and be cold at night. Temps in the Rockies are already dropping into the high 20s/low30s at night in Breckenridge and it is not unusual to see trace snow this time of the year.

      Suggest you check Ride With GPS for possible routing from Pueblo to LA…might swing you south avoiding the Rockies (and Hoosier Pass!)

    2. Crossing the Rockies in early/mid October would be a little cold for me. I would detour a little south to Flagstaff and then Las Vegas and then LA. You could also take a little detour and bike through Death Valley National Park, October is a great time to visit.

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