I was positively smitten when I realized that the price of gas no longer matters to me. It could double and I probably wouldn't notice. Taking my bike to work has saved me hundreds of dollars this year!

    by kodex1717


    1. I do find I spend more money on food though if I commute by bike. And food is mad expensive.

      I’d rather eat more food than burn more gas though.

    2. I also have a car for the times that I cannot ride. However, I plug it in at home. I don’t buy gasoline any more.

    3. I’ve got it down to once every 2.5 months. It still stings even though I spend more two or three times a week biking to the bar.

    4. ExtremeProfession113 on

      Saves me around 10-14 cents a mile, give or take. Doesn’t include parking or wear and tear or the health benefits I’m receiving, despite the risk. That’s around $350 a year (assuming I commute daily for 48 weeks) on a non risk adjusted basis 🤪. I’m happy to contribute that to my local brewery.

    5. I put $25.00 CAD into my tank every payday and I often don’t need to use it all because it was almost full from the previous two weeks. I bike to work everyday and on parking alone, I save $1,500 per year. I have not driven to work since February 22nd.

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