1. Veloci old street (faith gear), Affinity metropolitan (blue lug), skream ranger (skream), seaboard (taobao)

    2. tenessemoltisanti on

      Kilo WT has the same geometry as the Steamroller, and lists that it clears 700x45c. Steamroller lists 700x40c and 700x32c (for older models) on the product pages.

      Volume Thasher

      Volume Cutter

      State Bike Co. 4130 2024

      are some other options as well

    3. Mash Steel isn’t exactly “cheap” but it’s.not crazy expensive compared to a steamroller. Clears 38s.

    4. delicate10drills on

      Wabi Thunder. Wish they’d put some effort into the paint, but I guess having the custom option is cool too.

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