1. plan-thereaintnoplan on

      Put a socket that fits over the screw head but not larger than the washer and put the screw on a block of wood and hit the socket with a hammer. Should only take a genital tap. the cable will stop the socket but transfer the blow to the washer.

    2. It’s probably corroded. I’d blast some wd40 in there and then use some small pliers, mole grips etc to gently twist the two apart

    3. >I tried shoving a flathead in between…

      You’re on the right track. I would take a large flat-blade screwdriver and place the end of the blade between the bolt head and the washer, and then give it a twist. Do the same thing on the other side. Repeat as necessary. Eventually you should be able to create enough of a gap between the bolt head and washer to where you can extract the cable.

      If you plan on reusing the cable, you should trim off the end where it’s crushed / frayed. If doing that makes the cable too short to reuse, then you will have to replace it.

    4. The washer-looking part gets slightly deformed and thus what used to be a round hole isn’t anymore, and it gets stuck on the bolt. Old Shimano brake sets had clamps like this too, it’ll just about drive you nuts.

    5. Get some penetrating oil or WD40 (liquid wrench is better) and spray that in there let it sit and then if you got a lighter or torch hit it with that until it gets nice and hot I mean don’t fry it but the high heat will make it expand. So after you heat it then and give it a try!! It’s a worthwhile trick with frozen hardware for sure

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