I just received my new Endurace CF 8 yesterday and hit an issue with the assembly: the walkthrough video makes it look like the CP0030 cockpit should slide onto the steerer tube without much resistance, but mine feels very tight. I was able to get it about halfway down the tube with some wiggling, but getting it further feels like it would require some tapping and I want to make sure I’m not doing something obviously wrong before I apply more force. Other details: the cockpit clamping screws are fully loosened off, and I applied some assembly paste to the steerer tube per directions, but don’t think I put on a crazy amount or anything. Not sure if this is a manufacturing tolerance issue, or what.

    If I am able to get the cockpit down the rest of the steerer tube with some tapping (obviously with some kind of padding between whatever I use to tap and the cockpit itself), am I likely to damage anything? Intuitively it feels like it shouldn’t be a huge issue since the clamping force will eventually be so tight there’s no vertical movement at all, but this is my first carbon bike assembly so want to make sure I’m not overlooking anything. Thanks!

    by dynamite-fight

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