I knew this day was coming eventually…. finally had my first big crash and my full face probably saved my life. Lucky to walk away with just a shoulder injury…. going to the doctor tomorrow for xrays

    by gwiz112


    1. I got a full face and literally never rode again without out. It builds confidence, teaches better breathing, and just all around feels much safer. My last ride I was able to go on a buddy of mine was giving me a few jokes about it (all love nothing serious just friendly banter) and I unfortunately ended up having my biggest crash that day. I’m typing this as I’m 4 days out from complete knee ligament reconstruction surgery from that crash. Good luck bro and stay safe!

    2. I was in doubt, bought a Fox Dropframe Pro, but didn’t feel 100% safe. Ended up buying another helmet, a Poc Otocon Mips that was on sale. Can’t go back now.

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