Just picked up a brand new 2023 Checkpoint ALR 5 from a local shop.

    I noticed several marks on one side of the fork. I haven’t purchased a brand new bike in some time, but are marks like this inevitable when purchasing a bike of a shop floor that has been test ridden, etc. even though brand new?

    I understand I will get some marks on the bike with use, but it bothers me a bit that my brand new bike is marked.

    Worth doing anything like contacting Trek to see if they will offer anything or just deal?

    by ridexc8


    1. I have the same bike it seems like every thing marks it up. Just ride it and enjoy. Nobody cares about those marks as you fly by.

    2. The first pic I guess I could bring up but the others just look like general paint imperfections. I could see trek sending you some touch up paint if you ask for a claim. Like the other comment, it’s gonna get knicked up as you ride it anyway so something that small I (personally) wouldn’t make an issue about.

    3. It’s a checkpoint, It’ll be scratch in the first handful of times you use it. It’s an adventure bike

    4. delicate10drills on

      Those marks are inevitable if you accidentally touch it with pants that you wore at a funeral once.

      It’s going to get lots more just like it, and there will be spots that look like the paint got aggressively scraped off with a piece of old barbed wire even though you were never near any barbed wire.

      They don’t paint them like they used to, and that’s a contributor to your bike’s low mass.

    5. I would’ve asked for a discount if they were asking full price. It’s very minor, but I also wouldn’t buy a new car that’s scratched.

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