is hyrox really for everyone? family hyrox relay with mum aged 71 and dad aged 69
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    Video transcript

    Is Hyrox really is for everyone? To find out we pulled together a relay team, comprising my dad aged 69, my wife aged 47, my sister and her partner.

    And we headed over to the Performance training hyrox sim relay race in Basildon.

    So how did they on? Is Dad ok post-race? & why did my mum (aged 71 and my daughter aged 7) join in for last 100m. well – Let’s find out

    As we join Aaron for the pre-race briefing

    We knew from the get go we had a race on hands that really could, go either way.

    Out the starting blocks first was sister, but hot on her heels was relay team 2.

    The hyrox relay format split the 8 runs and exercise station across 4 team members, meaning each complete 2 runs and 2 exercise stations. Following that first 800m run, they head headed into the 1000m ski, by 300m in the lead gap was narrowing.

    Before my sister tagged out and my wife stepping in to pick up leg 2 which was 2 laps of the running track totalling 800m, into a 2km bike erg ride,

    On the bikes it remains neck and neck with the other relay team, it was great to have another relay team and we cheered and encouraged each other on throughout the race.

    Before my wife passed the baton to my sister partner for leg 3 which comprised an 800m run into a 200m 30kg sand bag carry.

    For leg 4 it was back to my sister for another 800m followed by 80m of burpee broad jumps – those burpee’s don’t get any easier…..

    Then it was for the real hero of this story, my dad (aged 69) – with legs 5 and 6, he headed out strong into his first 800m run, before heading into the 1000m row exercise station, then back onto the track for another 800m run and into the 200m 24kg kettlebell farmers carry, he had the hardest leg – with both his two runs and exercise stations back to back. Before tagging out and my wife stepping in for leg 7 with an 800m run followed by 100m of lunges with a 10kg sandbag.

    She had to dig really deep for this, and it was here she caught up ground on the other relay team and started to edge out a small lead again.

    Into the 8th exercise station it was back my sister partners to take on the 100m sled tank, similar to the dreaded hyrox sled push – but only worst, because it’s got the name tank in it, and well apparently it weighted about the same as a tank!! Lovely & exhausting stuff!

    Finally, it was time to get whole band back together and out onto track for a final 800m, at this point of the race – it still could have gone either way to team 1 or team 2,

    Onto the home straight and the whole extended family start joining in, including my mum ( aged 71) and daughter aged 7 .

    But how was it taking part, from each relay team perspective?

    If you want to give the hyrox sim challenge a go, do sign-up for the next Performance training sim, via the link the video description, we’ve loads more hyrox training tips here and here, so do check these out and subscribe to go faster at your next hyrox race.

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