Disclaimer: I’m totally new to self-repair with bikes.

    I just bought this old bike, with these unusual brakes. After two days the wire to the back brake snapped (or maybe a bit fell off? Couldn’t see anything on the ground). I’ve been trying to look at it for a while, but can’t really understand how I would fix it. I kinda want to replace the brake entirely, would this be very difficult? Would love some pointers!

    by HereistheWeatherman


    1. that’s some kind of built in drum brake. You should be able to just reattach the cable to the arm with the slotted bolt. No idea if it needs to be preloaded while you tension the cable. Try pulling the cable tight with a 3rd hand tool or needlenose pliers while fastening the slotted bolt to the arm with the cable running under the head of the bolt. It should tension up just like any other brake. No idea how well the brake is going to work. You could probably just put a caliper brake on the brake bridge. Would be an easy fix at a bike co op or something like that.

    2. I don’t know that specific brake. But, it LOOKS like the brake is out of position by 180 degrees. That slot at left of photo would be attached to that circle clamp at the right of the photo. That would position the actuating arm lower, and at the rear of the hub. Check which direction of pull on the activation arm actually seems to engage the brake.

      EDIT: added photo after Googling


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