Wow, over 2 days of suffering @badlandscc is no joke, but an event I will never forget.

    My first Ultra, I did not know what to expect, but of course I didn’t just want to get round the race, deep down the competitive side in me wanted myself and my pairs partner to get the overall pair win and try place in the top 10.

    We were faced with adversity early on with me suffering a nasty crash anddamaging equipment, however this did not stop us. We used what spare tape etc we were carrying to bodge the bike together and get the job done. This did mean night one was a challenge with lights..but you’ll see how got through it.

    Honestly, I can say this is most I have ever pushed myself mentally and physically but such an incredible experience at the same time. With all the mechanicals that came with my crash early on we slipped out of the top 10 to finish 11th overall… but WE WON OVERALL PAIRS.

    Brad has completed Badlands solo and as a pair and confirmed pairs is not any easier, drafting is none existent anddddd you have to get on with your pairs partner! I think we got that bit dialled, please ask in the comments for any advice.

    Rumour has it they are making this course easier next year, I really hope they don’t because heck yea it’s hard…. But why would you sign up if you didn’t think it was gonna be hard hey!

    A lot of highs and lows, but I am proud of this one, proud of us both…and yes we will do another, but not decided when or what yet. Appreciate the end of the video is long but it’s actually a fun sofa chat, so get your popcorn ready!

    Thank you @precisionfandh for following us on the journey and helping our nutrition.


    1. Great edit, disappointed not to have more footage but fully understand why. Big question, would you do it again? You both seemed a bit vague at the end…Well done on being the first pair to finish.

    2. What would you say were the key sessions you did to prep for this type of event? What would you do differently to prep for next time? (not including double checking all your gear 😂)

    3. Can’t imagine riding that distance on that terrain with that elevation, brutal combination. Great video can’t wait to see the PFAH short documentary about it.

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