Sorry if the flair is wrong, wasn't sure if I should use which bike or discussion.
    Anyways, I was just gifted a Men's Camber 2018 from an uncle who doesn't ride it anymore. I'm 90% sure it's fully stock but l asked him if he made any upgrades, waiting to hear back. What's the general consensus on this bike? I'm a 16yo riding in Colorado who's been riding an SC 99' Superlight for the last 4 years but I never really got into the sport until this summer. I ride mostly enduro and love berms and big jumps. Is there anything I should know about the bike? Upgrade recommendations for the stock parts that are on it now? Etc.? Let me know if there's more info that I can/should share. Thanks guys.

    What should I know about the Specialized
    2018 Camber? Any upgrade recommendations?

    by Icecroix

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