While the world has its eyes on the Ukraine and Palestine wars, another war has been raging: Sudan is currently suffering the worst humanitarian crisis of recent times. But browse the news headlines on an average day, and you won’t find anything about Sudan.

    Why? This war happens to be in a part of the world that very few care about and has been struggling with its identity. My new documentary tries to showcase Sudan’s beauty and potential and hopefully get you to care and talk about what has been happening.

    You can also directly help as a viewer by sharing this video, speaking about Sudan, writing to your MPs and pressuring them to intervene in stopping the war, supporting the businesses of any Sudanese person in your city, and donating to any of the following trusted NGOs:

    HomeTax Sudan was established during the 2019 Sudanese uprising. It focuses on providing food, shelter, and medical aid to people displaced by violence and unrest.

    The nonprofit, with 501(c)(3) status, advocates for civilian protection, crime accountability, and lasting crisis resolution in Darfur. It focuses on maintaining global attention on Darfur, educating children in camps, and providing skills training and support for women survivors.

    SAPA responds to growing needs by offering on-the-ground support and raising funds to improve humanitarian and medical aid for those fleeing and distressed.

    The Humanitarian Aid Commission launched a Registered Emergency fundraiser to provide internally displaced persons food, water, and shelter. It is active in areas from Al-Jazeera State to Sennar State.

    Big thanks to my Sudanese friends for sharing their stories and hosting us in Khartoum:
    Mohammed Muaawia: https://www.instagram.com/mohammed_muaawia/
    Siddig Ashraf: https://www.instagram.com/siddig_pic/
    Qamar (Moon) Abden: https://www.instagram.com/quehabden/
    Arwa Abualhassan: https://www.instagram.com/arwa_abualhassan/
    Talal Algizoly

    Map animations by Anna Kurosovna. You can follow her work here: https://www.instagram.com/storm.inside.you/

    2D intro Animation by Lucas Barreto. You can follow his work here:

    Most of the footage from the protests and some of the war were filmed by these three legends:
    Thanks to Ayman Elamin: https://www.instagram.com/ayman_alamin/
    Thanks to Bashir Idris: https://www.instagram.com/elbashiridris/
    Thanks to Faiz Abu Bakr: https://www.instagram.com/faizabubak/

    Thanks to my friends Ahmed, Lakshmi, and Khadija for sharing their experiences and footage of escaping Sudan’s war. Here are their Instagrams:

    Thumbnail By Adam Stuart: https://www.instagram.com/adnastu/

    End Song: War by Hajid: https://open.spotify.com/album/68mCydBT3LDYKNYb6QEvXN

    Additional Footage:
    Mazin Urso: https://www.instagram.com/mazinurso/
    Spencer Taylor: https://www.instagram.com/spencervybes/
    Joao Souza: https://www.instagram.com/joaosousa.photos/
    Ahmed El-Nimery: https://www.instagram.com/by_nimeri/
    Mazin Alrasheed: https://www.instagram.com/mazinalzain/
    Mohamed Awad: https://www.instagram.com/moekward/
    Musaab Dafalla: https://www.instagram.com/gar__sia/
    Tedros Desse: https://www.instagram.com/tedrosdesse/
    Ahmed El Fatih: https://www.instagram.com/ahmed_elfatih77/
    Mahdi Elfaki: https://www.instagram.com/mahdielfaki/
    Rached Cherif

    Thanks to all the courageous photojournalists who provided us with rare images of Sudan’s reality during the war.

    This video may get demonetized due to the nature of the topics covered. Please consider supporting my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RobertoHelou

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explorob/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/explorob
    The music used in this video is from EpidemicSound. Get a 1-month free trial here: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ibdiuj/
    Project Africa Website: www.projectafrica.bike

    0:00 A backstory
    2:23 Introduction to Sudan
    4:30 Arrival in Khartoum
    7:23 Sudan since independence
    8:39 Exploring Khartoum
    10:51 The two Niles
    13:30 A birthday
    14:24 Henna
    15:28 Sufism in Sudan
    19:20 The Nuba people
    22:10 Darfur’s Story
    23:19 South Sudan
    24:57 Sudan’s identity problem
    27:58 Khartoum’s events
    28:41 Sudan’s daily problems
    30:49 The Sudanese Revolution of 2019
    33:26 Hospitality in Khartoum
    36:30 The Coup of 2021
    39:43 Going to Khartoum’s protests
    41:50 Political escalation
    43:33 The start of the war
    48:50 The displacement of people
    50:49 Daily life during the war
    52:36 Escaping Sudan
    56:03 Siddig’s journey back
    57:34 The war today
    01:01:52 Is there hope?
    01:02:56 How to help Sudan
    01:04:58 The land
    01:07:13 The war in numbers


    1. The map of Sudan that you relied on is incomplete. You not only omitted Halaib completely from the map of Sudan, but you also added Bir Tawil to Egypt. Please pay attention to this matter, because we are very sorry to see it. You are a man who respects the Sudanese, as is evident from your talk about us. Thank you.

    2. احتمال انت تتحدث من ناحية سياسية اكثر ولكن الشي الحقيقي الذي حدث هو أن حميدتي أراد حكم السودان بالإنقلاب وبقوة السلاح ولكي يصل لكرسي الحكم اراد إبادة الجيش السوداني والجيش بدأ بالدفاع عن نفسه والشئ الذي جعل السودانيين التحزب مع الجيش أن هناك قوات من الدعم السريع قتلت واغتصبت وسرقت وارتكبت انتهاكات كثيرة
      إذا أخترت ألا تتحدث بالوقائع والحقيقة فأرجو منك ألا تتحدث لان هذا يسمي تضليل إعلامي

    3. A big mistake from the beginning of the video, trying to tell a story about two generals fighting for Sudan rule.
      In fact its a war from RSF Paramilitary against the people of Modern Sudan ( Sudanese Army + government + civilian people) are all targets for RSF in this war

    4. Putting the blame on pervious regime and lack of identity is not the root cause of war , war ignited because a group of civilians want to rule the country without elections and insisting they are the representative of civilians without any elections

    5. Thank you for making this important detailed documentary about our beloved country Sudan. I am a Sudanese/Serbian citizen and I have a hard time to explain for my Serbian friends about the complicated situation in Sudan. Documentaries like this will help to attract more people to know about what is happening and why is it happening. Praying for peace for my country Sudan. thank you again.❤

    6. I don't know what to say about your efforts in shedding light on what is happening to us as if you were Sudanese, not like the rest of the reports and analyses in the media. Thank you for your efforts.

    7. Some misleading information has been posted in this video. The most deceptive thing in your report, is the equality messages between official National army and the savage criminals of Rapid support force militia.

      What do you expect from the official Army to do while another tribal group of criminals trying to take the lead in the country by force and attempting to execute the supreme Sudanese Army commander at his home and occupying all the civilian establishments including hospitals, schools, universities, national palace, museums and citizens houses??
      They kill every body refusing to handle them his cell phone, car, homes and even their relative females.

      What did you expect a respectable army to do when it saw rebel forces besieging military bases, mobilizing thousands of troops with full equipment inside the capital, besieging the homes of senior leaders of the People's Armed Forces, besieging the General Command of the Sudan national army, and occupying the secure radio and television building? Do you want the army to distribute flowers and sweets to them? Or surrender to them and hand over the country and senior leaders of the national army to the ignorant and uneducated to rule us and expel citizens from their homes so that they can take possession of them by force and power?

      If the Sudanese National Army is carrying out the same brutal and evil acts as the Rapid Support Forces, why are Sudanese citizens displaced from areas entered by the Rapid Support Forces to areas controlled by the National Army forces?

      Please be professional and honest if you wish to reflect the realities on ground.

    8. it is not the worst ongoing war right now because so far more people have been unalived in the Russo-Ukrainian War (218,000) and in the Israel–Hamas war (57,000) than in the Sudanese civil war (2023–present) (55,000).

      Sudanese civil war (2023–present): 54,772

      Israel–Hamas war: 56,853

      Russo-Ukrainian War: 217,997.

    9. Where there is no Spirit of God Jesus there is no peace. Everywhere you go, if there is no more 10 than people of God there is always Evil.

      May the word of God, the Love of God and the Wisdom of God bring peace to the children of this land. Just pray

    10. Roberto, this was a tremendous effort. Your love, passion, and commitment really shone through. Thank you for speaking out about my beloved country and using your voice to amplify ours. Thank you for not failing us like many others did. Thank you for keeping our memories alive.

      Outstanding production, I will be sharing with everyone I know.

      May freedom, peace and democracy reign Sudan, and may all suffering end.

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