Join Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman as contestants tackle challenging questions about fiction, geography and Robbie Williams.

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    Welcome to Pointless, the home of obscure answers and unexpected champions! Dive into this trivia treasure with hosts Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman, where the lesser-known is celebrated and victory favours the forgotten.

    All Content Distributed via Banijay Rights.

    #Pointless #Quiz #QuizShow


    1. I love geography questions, but I guess I'm in the minority. In this case, the contestants got hung up on "northern" hemisphere. They seemed to forget that includes any country north of the equator. That includes much of Africa, all of North and Central America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc.

    2. I had more geographic knowledge as a toddler than these neanderthals seem to have learned in their entire lifetimes. What an embarrassment.

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