It’s time for a change & I need YOUR HELP with this one…

    I have been a pro MTB rider for over 10 years now and through those 10 years plenty has changed from riding shows and contest to social media and video. Change is a positive thing which is why I feel something new is needed but I am looking for your help to steer the ship in the right direction…

    I hope that you enjoy this video!

    Welcome to my YouTube channel giving you an insight into my life as a Professional mountain bike rider. I upload videos 3 times per week covering all disciplines of riding and topics including Full speed downhill, Huge free ride and dirt jump tricks, XC rides, EMTB adventure riding, trail build series and general bike vlog’s, challenges How to video’s and MTB games.

    Whether you are a beginner MTB rider or Advanced there is something for everyone on my channel so sit back and enjoy!

    Halo Wheels :
    Gusset Components:

    #mtb #bikes #biking #crash #emtb


    1. Alles gut! 😉 I would like to see some Tracks from top to bottom in the UK. It wold be nice if the viewer learn somthing about the track like distance, height difference, soil, tire and Lens recommendation

    2. Love the raw edits and given you ride a lot of places full trail rides showing the whole track would be super useful for new people going to a place for the first time too. That saalbach run looked epic 👍

    3. Your channel is ace, and you defo are an inspiration to the average rider like myself.
      Liked the RAW video too though, personally I prefer riding to talking, so maybe a second channel so you keep everyone happy, Inc sponsors!
      PS, you may have recorded this last year, but I got back from the Alps a week ago and they're something else to ride, never been so scared in places, and I was carrying nowhere near the speed you were, on reds and blues!😂😂

    4. I really like the raw videos. You do them well because you are fast and have the style. The only downside is you need good trails and we don’t have many in Essex 😂

    5. Hey Tom, I would love to see a change like this. I would really enjoy another building series like the Tompound and also seeing you go to more events like monster backyard battle or dark fest. Keep up the good work

    6. Hey Tom, I would love to see a change like this. I would really enjoy another building series like the Tompound and also seeing you go to more events like monster backyard battle or dark fest. Keep up the good work

    7. Hey Tom, since you asked, I'll tell a bit about how I found your channel and what I like to see. For context only, I'm 50 years old now and probably skew quite a bit older than your average watcher, so take that with a grain of salt. I've been a cyclist my whole life, from BMX to Road to Mountain Bike, but didn't really take MTB seriously until 2022. YouTube randomly suggested a Kilian Bron video, it was his view of him doing Inca Avalanche. It blew my mind. I then found his Maxavalanche video and it blew my mind even more. I decided what I was going to do was go fast on trails. Well by searching "how to jump"…etc, I found your channel and enjoyed your personality and skill. You can add Sam, Brenddog, and Tom Isted to that list. All at the same time. Probably YouTube algorithm at work. Anyway, I love the skill that you all have, but at my point in life, I'm not going to be doing back flips or other stunt jumps. However, downhill. …well that has taken my life over. It's a faster and more extreme version what Kilian is doing with the long format Enduro races. Once I started watching Bernard Kerr, Troy Brosnan, Danny Hart (and others), it pretty much consumed all my MTB watching need. Danny Hart is my favorite, he attacks the trail with ferocity all the time. It seems he just goes fast always and he's conversational about it. I do like the style of video you put up here, and I'd love to see you do more DH videos. Why not try Maxavalance next year? Make it a journey to the start line and you'll have some new content there.

    8. Raw is real how I mean and seeing real amazingness is truly something to help life improve. I think your idea is magnificent and you should invest in doing your awesome adventures and hopefully it will help a lot of individuals around the world and not just with MTB, but with being adventurous and wanting to help life improve.

    9. Love the idea of a raw trail channel! Its just nice watching a pro hit trails, almost zen like.

      I like watching some of the other youtu doing their dh stuff (Danny H/ BK, etc) and love watching them get faster and more refined. Would love to see you do the same. I.e. first hit of trail x vs last hit of trail x.

    10. I like the raw vids, but my real question Tom is what are your career goals with mountain biking? Is it just to be a content creator? Or do you have any bigger plans for the future. Racing maybe? Or I have heard you mention trying to get invited to maybe Rampage or Hardline? Are you pursuing any other big sponsors? Be cool to see you race any event really or to make it to Rampage or Hardline or even some slopestyle comps. Your such a talented rider, it would be cool to see you doing some stuff like that and I think it could bring you a bunch more subscribers. Interested to hear your thoughts.

    11. Go raw. Love that idea. You bring the flow tom. It must have been a massive kick in the tits when the tompound got shut down but that was clearly not what was meant to be. Get on the road more. Go and visit other tompounds. Get your arse over to bpw and teach me how to ride zut alors like kay jay. Do meet up and rides. Visit and review bike shops and trails. The world is your oyster mate. You've given so much to the mtb community for so long. Let it give a bit back to you. Use what's out there. Hit people up. Get lost in the middle of butt f**k nowhere trying to scope out some local trails built 10 years ago. Get your face out there and make the f**king world your tompound. Much love mate. (No homo)

    12. That was easily one of the best MTB trail videos I have ever seen. The track looked sick, your riding was on point, considering you were blind. Defo looking forward to the next one 👏

    13. As long as you can keep your energy levels up and continue with the ongoing commentary on your way down the trails, then this is a great idea for a series of videos. I feel that you'd lose people's interest if you're too quiet for too long while traveling down a trail. The commentary really helps as it helps establish the setting(what you're thinking, the view, your history with the track, similar track, etc.,.).

    14. I've been watching you guys for years now. It'd be a huge kick in the face not to look forward to your videos anymore. I watch all kinds, so whatever works better for you guys is cool to me. I never really leave my house, so I get to live vicariously through you two. This video was sick. A friend of mine was doing these sorts of trail videos, but for dirt bike trails and roads. It's a great idea for people planning trips and things.

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