1. Video of it being ridden or else it’s not rideable. Extra points for starting, turning and stopping.

    2. These were on Kickstarter a while back, and I missed them, so when there was a new production run, bought one on impulse, under the impetus that it would be a full-body workout…

      Previously, I was commuting on my Montague Swissbike, and cutting the grass w/ a reel mower for exercise, but a lengthy period of rain had the grass so long that I had to resort to cutting it w/ an electric string trimmer — while I’ve done that in the past, this time it resulted in shoulder and back pain so bad that it hurt just to drive to work or sit at my desk — eventually got in to my wife’s doctor’s office and the consensus was over-use injury, which would go away eventually, but that I should start exercising.

      Only in the office two days a week, and my new job more than doubles the distance to the office (annoyingly, 10 miles as the crow flies, but 15 miles for a bike-friendly road selection working around the two highways we live near the intersection of), so commuting isn’t quite a solution (though I hope to take it back up if I can get my speed up to something which will allow it).

      Ordered the bike from England, it was delivered by UPS by way of Transglobal air freight, sharp point parts of the bike poked through the box in two places, but no damage, and assembly went well except for my not understanding the Chicago bolt for the derailleur hanger — one patient e-mail and post in /r/bikewrench and all was sorted out.

      Short rides thus far, but every day (save for the rainy Saturday), and building up distance — “pedaling” with hands is interesting, and I can see why they advocate for starting out with feet, pausing them, using hands for a while, and alternating until one develops a feel for things which will then allow simultaneously driving both wheels with hands and feet.

      Saddle bag for a cable lock, patch kit, CO2, and multi-tool/tire lever, got a cheap GPS cycle computer for tracking distance (but it sometimes take a while to kick in — any tips on that?) and front and rear (blinking during daylight hours) Cygolites, and also picked up an inexpensive top-tube bag for my phone.

    3. MegaBobTheMegaSlob on

      I saw a video months ago of an older guy pedaling a two wheel drive bike like this, but with staggered hand cranks like a regular bicycles cranks, not parallel cranks like this. It also lacked a chest support from what I saw. It was a very short video but he said it was homemade and he’d been riding it for 35 years

    4. Ok I need a video of this in use. Google keeps giving me tandems and twins in a pull behind trailer.

    5. Darkn3ssVisibl3 on


      I mean I upvoted, but man…what a way to get a face full of asphalt.

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