1. Ah yes, no charges as it would be unreasonable to expect a driver to at all notice a group of 10 bikers.

      Honestly some road fatalities do just happen and are relatively blameless, but this “I just didn’t see them” when it’s as ridiculous as this is an completely exonerating explanation is infuriating. Failure to notice something any reasonable driver should be able to notice leading to a fatality should be _some_ form of charge.

    2. Not being charged with something because she stopped is such a low bar. Sorry I killed someone but I stopped and cried so we are all good. Taking a look at the road, they were on a through road that joining roads either have a stop sign or the intersection is controlled by a stop light. So we can assume they did not have a stop sign and did not blow through a stop light because the news article would have given that detail.

      She missed the front of the group and hit Chuck Henson at the rear of the group. Not seeing them is a poor excuse, as a group of cyclist. At least 25% of them would have had flashing rear lights.

      Good on Fox4 for the title of the article and the wording they used in the broadcast. They did not title it as an accident and to me, the wording is not blaming the group at all. It would be better if they inserted “by a vehicle” after the word killed. The article does not include the word accident at all.

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