I recently picked up a mixed lot of older bike parts to have some parts for upcoming projects. I came upon these hydraulic rim brakes by POINT.
    Neither me or any of my friends ever heard of them and I can’t find much on the internet either. While they do work surprisingly good atm I might want to bleed them as well as replace the brake pads at some point.

    Does anybody have any experience with these. Are they just something else rebadged. When looking for hydro rim brakes my search results are only ever of magura HSs.

    Does anyone know how to figure out what brake fluid it is?

    by MDEUSX

    1 Comment

    1. aretheygood4bikingon on

      I feel like I’ve seen these in a giant German mail-order catalog from the mid-late 90s, and that they’d have been on some kind of Trekking bike over there, but we’re going off the absolute fuzziest of fuzzy memories at this point.

      It looks like *maybe* they were sensible enough to use Magura HS-shaped pads, but I can’t really tell from the photo.

      FWIW, mineral oil is hydrophobic, while DOT is hygroscopic, so you might be able to tell by putting some in a jar and seeing adding a bit of water. IMO, leave them alone if they work unless you can discover that maybe they made them to share fittings with Magura Hydrostop stuff – unless you’re looking for a likely annoying project, in which case dive in. My experience with Magura brakes, at least, is that these old closed-system rim brakes tended to kind of just keep going if you left them alone. Obviously these also might just be total shit, but who knows.

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