Any tips with getting this tyre to sit properly.

    As you can see it's deeper in the rim than what it should be, I've tried soapy water, taking tyre of and reinstall but it won't sit at all. Same tyre on front was fitted perfectly,

    Using wtb ventures with tubes.

    by xander-mcqueen1986


    1. Sorry_Pomegranate358 on

      Had a similar problem with my dads bike. Had to pump up way above recommended pressure and then in kinda plopped into the right place… just don’t forget releasing air afterwards

    2. When you spin the wheel, is the tread surface always at the same distance from the axle, or do you see a cyclical variance ?

    3. Mix up some warm soapy water.

      Deflate the tire and lubricate the inside rim and wheel with a good amount of the soapy water.

      Inflate above max pressure, and beyond by approx. 10% of max.

      Stand back and it’ll pop into place.

      Deflate to recommended pressure before taking it out!

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