Bike pic with cassette of course lol, I know Merritt coasters are supposed to have play because of that weird bushing they use. To you that have them when do you need to tighten it up? It bugs me when I bump my bike and hear the play in the wheel 😂

    by Ok_Meringue5371

    1 Comment

    1. Awkward_Importance49 on

      Unless I’m missing something, a casette hub shouldn’t have *any* wobble.

      Freecoasters can sometimes have a bit of hub wobble when free rolling/carving with the drive disengaged, but that’s usually a sign that it’t time to strip, clean, regrease the hub and then tighten up the cone nuts on refit.

      A cassette with a wobble would need the same therefore, unlesss your bearings are worn.

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