My Pegoretti Love #3

    She’s on oldie but a goodie. Have a Falz fork but just need some time to cut it and install it.

    by WeMightBe

    1 Comment

    1. MariachiArchery on

      We’ve had a few of these come through the shop, and we have one for sale right now (not this bike, but other frames of his).

      One of the bikes we had come into the shop, one of our employees (we think we know who it was…. that fucker) scratched the shit out of the paint by hanging it next to a MTB without grips on the handlebars. Paint was mangled on the top tube. Customer was *super* pissed, and rightfully so.

      We ended up sending the frame off to our custom paint contact here in CA, and when we got the bike back, the customer was still not happy with it. The painter failed to match the paint super well, and there was also some variance in the finish.

      We ended up mailing the bike to Italy to be repainted by Andrea Pegoretti (son) and Pietro Pietricola (Dario’s long time assistant). Those guys nailed it, and after like six months of faffing around with that damn bike we finally got it back to the customer and they were ‘happy’ with it.

      Lol, when the bike finally landed back in the shop from Italy, we had like a 15 foot quarantine zone around that damn thing. No one was allowed near it. Jesus Christ that was a massively expensive fuck up.

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