Hey everyone is this crack dangerous or is it fine? Seller says it hasn’t progressed at all and that I shouldn’t worry. Says that if I notice progression, you could weld it

    by ArcturusCopy


    1. Don’t buy other peoples problems. Anyone telling you that a crack on a fork isn’t a big deal is either lying or a moron. Anyone telling you that you can weld fork lowers is just a moron.

    2. 404errorcode2319 on

      I mean if you can’t find another you could try to talk him down and replace that fork, I’d look real close at the rest of the bike but if it’s just the fork, I’d say talk him down and replace it.

    3. Aren’t those fork lowers magnesium? That’s going to make welding them … interesting. 🙂

    4. Try filling the crack with Loctite super bearing retainer compound. First,Clean the crack with acetone or something like it. Then hang the bike up so the compound will flow into the crack.

    5. Trying to buy a headache? The entire debacle with lower or fork replacement would be pretty difficult for a novice, and honestly might get more expensive than whatever good deal this bike may be. I would look for a different bike.

    6. WhichStatistician810 on

      Buy something else. Usually when someone bought something like that into the shop for me to look at there were other serious issues with it.
      Also bikes have come on a long way since that was new, you can definitely find something newer and in better condition

    7. Alternative_Object33 on

      This is the second fork I’ve seen this exact failure on, this week.

      The other was a set of Marzocchi dropper forks on eBay, sold as parts, the crack had completely crossed the clamp and the lower half was missing.

      Which is where this is going.

      I would put money on it being galvanic corrosion between the fork leg and the axle.

      I would also bet it’s a lot more common than just these two instances.

    8. Ramshackle_Ranger on

      It’s almost an 11 year old bike. Finding parts could be really challenging. And if the fork has a crack like that you need to ask what other problems does the bike have? DH bikes aren’t treated gently, and the last thing you want is the frame to fail in a rock garden or while landing a jump.

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